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MacKillop House Day

Richard Lacey (House Coordinator)

On 21st August, the students of MacKillop House came together to celebrate MacKillop Day, honouring their House Patron, St Mary MacKillop. The day was filled with activities that not only celebrated the life and legacy of Australia’s first saint but also fostered a strong sense of community among students.

The day began with a special House Mass, where students and staff gathered in the chapel to reflect on the teachings of St Mary MacKillop and her enduring message of compassion and service to others. This was followed by an exciting Extended PC session, featuring the much-anticipated MacKillop’s Amazing Race.

The race was a spirited competition, with congratulations going to Penola and Rose for their outstanding performance and winning the event, earning valuable points towards the coveted MacKillop Cup.

The celebrations concluded with a lively Sausage Sizzle for lunch, allowing students to unwind and enjoy the company of their peers. The day not only highlighted the importance of St Mary MacKillop’s values but also brought students together in a shared experience that strengthened House unity and school spirit.

MacKillop Day is a reminder of the power of community and the impact of living out the values of kindness, perseverance, and service to others, leaving a lasting impression on everyone involved.

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