On Wednesday the 29th of February we celebrated Chisholm House Day, where students and staff from Chisholm House came together to celebrate the life of Caroline Chisholm and everything that our house stands for. We commenced the festivities early that morning at 8:10 with a House mass in the chapel celebrated by Father Pradeep, where many Chisholm students volunteered to read or participate. After mass Jenny from our House Charity, Lilliah Haven, spoke to us all and explained the importance of Liliah Haven’s work, providing housing for homeless mothers and their children. One year 10 student said, “It is hard to believe that people can be homeless in this day and age, especially when they are pregnant, but it is so great to be a small part of Liliah Haven and help to support these people”.
The members of Chisholm continued the celebrations outside over an amazing breakfast of egg and bacon rolls, prepared by the Chisholm house staff. Next up were games on the avenue with staff and students getting involved in dodgeball, footy, and oversized Connect 4. A student in year 7 exclaimed, “This is my best day at Kolbe so far”.
After school 40 students and 7 staff members headed to Lilliah Haven to volunteer in a busy bee. Students helped by cleaning windows and apartments, moving furniture, planting herbs, and laying an amazing patio of pavers. Students enjoyed learning new skills and getting involved within the community. For the senior school students it was a chance to reflect on their time and how much they have learned from their volunteer work at Liliah Haven, “it puts things into perspective and makes us realise how lucky we are”.