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Japanese Exchange Hosts

Kyohhei Futaki (Japanese Language Teacher)

After a 3-year hiatus due to the COVID19 outbreak, it is with great pleasure that we announce the recommencement of the Japanese Exchange program with the Keio Futsubu School in Yokohama. We are therefore seeking expressions of interest for host families. The details are as follows:

  • The exchange will take place from the 21st – the 30th of July 2023
  • The students (boys) are aged from 13-15 years old.
  • The students (boys) are studying English and are looking for an Australian homestay experience.  
  • Fluency in Japanese is not a requirement.

Past participants of the exchange program have found it to be a rewarding and enriching cultural experience, establishing friendships that are continuing today. If you would like to be a host family, please direct your expression of interest to Mr Kyohhei Futaki at the College.  An information evening will be organised next term, to relay the specific details and expectations of the exchange.

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