It has been wonderful to see the interest in our 2023/2024 overseas exchange programs and Kolbe’s Languages Learning Area have been enthusiastically engaged in putting together the final details of the respective tours. There have been some changes, due to CEWA policy updates in regards to overseas tours, that are affecting the usual conduct of Kolbe’s exchange programs. Due to these policy changes, our students are no longer permitted to be billeted out in home stay.
As a school community we are continuing to host our visitors from Japan and Italy but our students will be in hotel accommodation when we visit the respective countries in January 2024. This, naturally, has increased our tour costs and we are looking at ways of keeping the tours affordable for those interested.
Applications closed on Friday March 3rd, but if your child is currently in year 10 or 11 and interested in applying for either the Japanese or Italian Exchange Program, please contact Mrs Maria Bellini, Head of Languages, at the College, by Wednesday March 15th for an application form.
We have had word from our Italian sister school in Assisi, informing us that they are unable to visit this September and we are currently negotiating an alternative time for Term 1 2024. This will coincide favourably with our proposed visit in January 2024.
Meanwhile our Japanese visitors from Keio school in Yokohama are still on track for their visit in July and we are looking for expressions of interest for host families. Please direct your enquiries to Mr Kyohhei Futaki at the College.
We intend to have an information evening for the successful applicants and their families, this term, the details of which will be forwarded as soon as they are available.