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Message from our Principal

Neil Alweyn

As the sun continues to creep into my bedroom a little earlier each day, and the scent of BBQ sausages becomes more prevalent in the evenings around my neighborhood, I am reminded that summer is almost here. That means, the academic school year is almost over. Memories have been made, challenges accepted and overcome, tears shed and achievements celebrated – the time has now come for our students (and staff) to take a well earned rest. But what to do with that time over our Christmas and New Years break?

One of my favourite leadership authors is Stephen Covey. I often turn to his words when inspiration is needed or clarity is sought! An example of some wise counsel from Covey is:

‘The key is not in spending time, but in investing it’.

So many of us are time poor in our lives, and the Christmas and New Years break often provides us with a short pause and with that, comes opportunity. My challenge to our community is how will you invest this time? My two goals over the Christmas break are to invest time into my faith and with my family. I realise how lucky I am to have both in my life, and I want to ensure I make the most of this time to strengthen my relationships with them both. I believe Christmas is a perfect time to do this – to truly take stock as to why we celebrate this occasion. I leave you with beautiful words from the Gospel of Matthew:

‘When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, but knew her not until she had given birth to a Son. And he called His name Jesus’

Staff Farewells

At the end of this year we will say goodbye to the following staff members who move on to new professional challenges or retirement:

  • Sue Ali (Education Assistant)
  • Cheryl Bennett (WLC Admin Assistant)
  • Kieran Chemaly (IT/Marketing Trainee)
  • Karen Donohue (WLC Admin Assistant)
  • Tracey Edgell (Home Economics Teacher)
  • Emma Edmonds (Head of Year 11)
  • Molly Ferguson (Science Teacher)
  • Kali Grayson- Dharmaputri (PE Trainee)
  • Tanya Hughes (Italian Teacher)
  • Maria Martin (Maths Teacher)
  • Pat McNulty (Head of Year 7)
  • Tim Shanassy (Deputy Principal: Year 10-12)
  • Kelly Toma (Head of Year 12)
  • Willie Van Dyk (HASS Teacher)
  • Ally White (HASS Teacher)
  • Lee Woodland (WLC Admin Assistant)

To these staff members, we trust you have enjoyed your time with our special community. 

May you move forward in life, always carrying Kolbe in your heart, and may God always hold you in the palm of His hand. I believe it is also appropriate to especially recognise Lee Woodland, Karen Donohue and Willie Van Dyk who are all retiring after 33, 29 and 25 years service respectively with our Kolbe community. Can I also pass on a special thank you to Mr Tim Shanassy, who has been an incredible member of our College Executive team for many years. Tim leaves us to embrace his new challenge as Vice Principal of Corpus Christi College in Bateman, and we wish him, and all our staff members best wishes as they continue to journey in their lives.

Finally to our families, as this is our last eNews for the year, can I thank you all for your amazing support during 2022. The strength of our community is the partnership with our families, and we are all so grateful for your connection to our community. I trust you all have a peaceful, joyous and prayerful Christmas and New Year break and we look forward to seeing you again in 2023.

Best wishes and God bless,

Neil Alweyn


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