
R U OK? Day

Jenefer Wiltschut (Head of Wellbeing)

Last week, our school came alive with vibrant celebrations for R U OK? Day, a national event dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and encouraging meaningful conversations. This year’s highlights included some exciting visitors and activities that truly brought the day to life.

One of the most beloved guests was Hazel the Koala, who made a special appearance with the team from WestOz Wildlife. Students were thrilled to meet Hazel up close, as well as a python, skink and blue-tongued lizard making the experience both educational and memorable. Adding to the fun, Rosie O’s face painters, and our talented Year 12’s under the guidance of Ms Schrandt, created beautiful designs for students, making sure everyone had a smile on their face. Along the avenue, there were plenty of games to keep the energy high, with music pumping to set the tone for the day.

In addition to the festivities, our student leaders were out in force, handing out mental health resources and encouraging everyone to participate in the conversation. Their efforts helped to emphasise the core message of R U OK? Day: the importance of checking in on friends and loved ones, not just on one day, but every day. R U OK? Day serves as a reminder to start conversations about mental health and to listen to those around us, however, the need for these conversations doesn’t end when the event is over.

If you or someone you know is feeling distressed or struggling with their wellbeing, it’s important to reach out for support.

For immediate support in Australia, you can contact:
● Lifeline: 13 11 14 (24/7 crisis support)
● Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 (24/7 mental health support)
● Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 (24/7 support for young people aged 5-25)
● Headspace: Visit for mental health support services tailored to young people.

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