
Outdoor Ed Camp

Dave Walker (Head of Physical Education Studies)

Year 10 Outdoor Education students recently trekked along the Bibbulmun Track and through Wellington National Park near Collie as part of their expedition unit this term. The weather was kind and the group made the most of it, paddling on the Wellington Dam, mountain biking on the Wambenger trails and camping in seclusion.

Bonds were formed and the group of adventurers pulled each other through discomfort to revel in the sense of accomplishment when they made it to camp each evening. Surviving in the outdoors for four days with only what you have in your pack is no mean feat and the students were tested to their limits. Well done to the group for their independence, skill and positive mentality during the adventure, and thank you to the staff who attended to support students on their journey! Some of our enthusiastic adventurers share their thoughts below;

“The first day of camp was probably the hardest for me because I did not realise how far 8kms would feel to walk. The second day was really fun because we had to trek up many big hills which were quite tiring but fun at the same time. The third day was pretty exhausting but really rewarding when we finally made it to camp, because it had the best campsite so far and all my good food was in that night’s food drop. Overall I ended up getting to know the people in my class a lot better and made some new friends. I would definitely do it again if I had the chance.” – Jacob, Year 10

“When we arrived at our first destination we went kayaking which I really enjoyed, even though the water was really cold and it was early in the morning, the lake was very still and there was very pretty scenery… The hiking was very difficult and challenging at times, we had to test our endurance and see how much we could push through it even when we wanted to stop and rest. The first campsite was the prettiest out of the three, in the morning we went down to the rapids and did some stretches and makeshift yoga to prepare for the long day ahead. Sleeping on the first night was the worst because it was the coldest. I didn’t sleep that much and I was shivering in the tent. I didn’t realise how cold it would be. The next two camps were the best to chat and have fun with each other at the campfire, everyone shared their marshmallows and lollies and played games together, the games of Uno were very fun as well. Getting our food drops at the camp was very exciting. The mountain biking was very fun and going over the big hills and jumps was something I’ve never done before and gave me a lot of adrenaline.” Chloe, Year 10

“The whole camping experience was fun, setting up tents, cooking on the trangia, and especially playing games and toasting marshmallows around the campfire. We were also able to see the amazing painting on Wellington dam. The third day was probably my favourite, although we walked up our biggest hill, because the scenery was beautiful – first a big green farm, then walking through a pine forest.” Edie, Year 10

“The camp experience was awesome and I am very happy to overcome those 4 days because at the start I was close to giving up but then I thought to myself that I can do this and overcame what my brain was telling me.” Dylan, Year 10

“Overall I really enjoyed the camp and wish it went for longer.” Nathan, Year 10


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