

Apple Distinguished School

Kolbe Catholic College has been an Apple Distinguished School since 2011, earning recognition for leading the way in innovation and quality teaching and learning. As one of only a handful of Perth-based schools awarded the status of Apple Distinguished School, we are proud of our future-focused and research-based approach to quality education.

Student iPad Program

When a student starts at Kolbe Cathlic College in Year 7, they join the Student iPad Program, which places a powerful learning tool in each student’s hand

The program allows us to:

  • utilise the iPad in an educational context to promote learning and reduce distractions;
  • teach our students to be better global citizens who maintain focus on empathy, collaboration and resilience while engaging digital tools;
  • collaborate with our parent community in refining and improving the iPad Program.

At Kolbe, each Year 7 – 9 iPad is enrolled in a Mobile Managed Device (MDM) program, whereby we limit user access to distracting apps and websites, meaning priority is placed on using the iPad for learning. As capacity builds for students to use their devices responsibly, we gradually withdraw management of the devices.

In Year 7, students attend classes with an iPad and Apple Pencil. This combination of tools provides a powerful platform for learning, innovation and creativity. Read more about our Apple 1-to-1 Program.

Digital Technologies

Kolbe Catholic College has a wide range of digital technologies available to enhance learning. We are committed to creating quality personalised learning opportunities for our students, and the digital technologies our students and teachers have access to makes this possible.

Through the use of Apple technologies, the following learning opportunities have been made possible:

  • By using Garageband, live instruments and multitrack recording on LogicPro and Hs5 interfaces, students have created incredible music projects.
  • Students use Keynote to create animations and, in our Design & Technology course, turn blueprints and plans into amazing products via our 3D printer and laser cutter.
  • iPads and iMacs provide exciting learning opportunities in robotics, graphic design and coding.

Apple TVs are installed in every classroom and breakout area, so teachers and students have the ability to AirPlay to nearby screens. This creates flexible and collaborative learning spaces that our students can harness for success.

Staff iPad Program

To complement our Student iPad Program, Kolbe launched a Staff iPad Program in 2019 with the aim of putting an iPad Pro, keyboard and Apple Pencil in the hands of every teacher in the College. By using the same device their students use every day, our middle school teachers have been inspired to design and create relevant and engaging learning opportunities using the iPad.

Supported by a robust professional development program, our teaching staff are implementing amazing practices in our classrooms, providing cutting edge learning opportunities, connection to real-word audiences, and avenues to demonstrate learning that goes beyond the standard classroom essay.

Apple Devices and Requirements

Kolbe Catholic College is a proud Apple Distinguished School with an implemented 1:1 Apple device program.

Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of leadership and educational excellence that demonstrate Apple’s vision for learning with technology — and we believe they are some of the most innovative schools in the world.

It is important that parents and students understand how and when the device should be used. Correct set up and management of the MacBook or iPad will support families at home, as well as teachers at school.

Middle School Requirements (Years 7-9)

For 2023, Year 7 students will be supplied with a leased device that will be with them until the end of Year 9.

Students in Years 8 to 9 will be required to supply their own devices, which will be enrolled in our management system.

Note that all students in Years 7 to 9 will have their iPads managed by the school, with all apps being freely allocated.

Students will not be permitted to use a MacBook or Windows device in middle school.

Senior School Requirements (Years 10-12)

Senior school students must choose to use one of the devices listed below:

  • an iPad or iPad Pro (optionally with keyboard or Apple Pencil)
  • a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro (needs to support the latest version of MacOS)

Students will not be permitted to use a Windows device.


We strongly recommend families choose to purchase AppleCare+ with their device.

AppleCare+ provides up to two years of expert telephone technical support and additional hardware coverage from Apple, including up to two incidents of accidental damage coverage. This is a viable alternative to including the iPad under an existing insurance policy.

Kolbe Catholic College cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of a student’s device. It is therefore important to ensure that the device is correctly insured for loss or damage.

More information on AppleCare+ can be found on the Apple website.

Apple IDs

Students will be required to use the Apple ID supplied to them by Catholic Education of Western Australia (CEWA). This allows teachers to use apps like Apple Classwork and Classroom to assign assessments and keep learning focused. Student devices will be locked to their CEWA Apple ID during term time and released during school holidays.

To enable this to occur, all Year 7 students’ iPads will be enrolled into our Mobile Device Management (MDM) program, empowering students to focus on their study, and enabling staff and parents to support the learning programs at Kolbe. Each student will receive their iPad fully configured and prepared for learning. Some basic restrictions are applied, such as the inability to install new apps via the traditional App Store.

We use an industry standard MDM product at Kolbe, allowing us to maximise the learning potential of the iPad. It gives our teachers and ICT staff the ability to ensure students and teachers have the content they need, while safeguarding students and their privacy. It also enables us to deliver apps and updates to the iPads over the school’s Wi-Fi, at no cost to the student or parent.

The school iPad is a learning device (not a gaming or social media device). Under the MDM, Kolbe is able to distribute apps and settings to each student, thereby limiting distractions. We have a unified management framework in place and we trust that every student and parent is prepared to support us with its implementation.

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