




At Kolbe Catholic College, we are committed to providing opportunities for Aboriginal students to achieve outstanding educational outcomes. We actively encourage Aboriginal families in the Rockingham and Kwinana District, who want a Catholic education for their children, to consider Kolbe Catholic College.

The College offers annual Aboriginal Scholarships, allowing us to work with and assist families in giving broad career opportunities to young Aboriginal people. We believe that the quality of education and pastoral support at Kolbe has a profound impact on many students of the College, and contributes to improved life choices. Providing opportunities for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to interact positively within a Catholic school environment also strengthens our educational program and promotes cultural awareness and inclusivity at the College.

Kolbe’s Aboriginal Scholarship is fully financed by the College, with no funds received from outside agencies. As a College, we appreciate the opportunity to assist Aboriginal families in the education of their children.



To be eligible for Kolbe Catholic College’s Aboriginal Scholarship, applicants must fulfil the following conditions:

  • At the time of application, the student must be enrolled in Year 5, as the scholarships are awarded two years in advance of enrolment into Year 7;
  • The student must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent;
  • Both the family and the student must have a strong desire for a Catholic education;
  • The student must live within the College’s catchment area (Rockingham, Kwinana or Serpentine/Mundijong);
  • The student should be willing to become involved in the College’s co-curricular activities in accordance with the ethos of Kolbe Catholic College.


  • As long as the student’s performance is acceptable, the scholarship covers half the cost of the annual tuition fee for the duration of the student’s time at the College.
  • At least two Aboriginal Scholarships are awarded each year to students commencing Year 7.
  • Each scholarship is awarded for a period of six years and is renewed on an annual basis, subject to a satisfactory review.
  • Families who are eligible for other concessions, eg HCC Tuition Fees Discount Scheme, should note that only one discount is applicable. 
  • Parents are expected to meet the costs of compulsory charges, such as subject levies, camp fees and excursions.  
  • Meeting the cost of uniforms and stationery, including the lease of an iPad, is the responsibility of the parents. The College operates a uniform shop onsite. 
  • Instrumental music tuition is not covered by the Aboriginal Scholarship, as music tutors are paid in addition to class teachers. Instrumental music tuition is an optional additional item and is available throughout the school year.


We understand that Aboriginal students may experience some cultural isolation and may require academic assistance. To make the transition from primary to secondary school easier, the College offers the following support to all aboriginal students:

  • Teaching Assistance
    To support Aboriginal students in the classroom and beyond the College employs an Aboriginal Liaison Education Assistant. This role includes working with students in the classroom as a professional teaching assistant, supporting the Aboriginal Studies program and liaising between our College and the Aboriginal community.
  • Homework Club
    The College also runs an after school Homework Club. Students from all year levels have access to afternoon tea and a supervised classroom environment for study and homework with support from visiting teachers.


The Scholarship Selection Panel will use the information supplied by families to shortlist candidates. Successful applicants will be invited to the College for an interview. The selection panel will consist of:

  • Kolbe Catholic College’s Deputy Principal;
  • Aboriginal Liaison Education Assistant;
  • Community Member;
  • Aboriginal consultant (or similar) from Catholic Education Western Australia OR a staff member representative from the College Pastoral Care Team.


For each recipient, the following factors will be considered in reviewing the continuation of the scholarship:

  • school attendance;
  • compliance with the standard Enrolment Agreement;
  • projecting a positive image of Aboriginal people to the school community;

Feedback will be provided to each recipient and their family on an annual basis.

In circumstances of continued unacceptable behaviour or continued lack of effort in studies, the Scholarship may be withdrawn. In such cases, parents will receive clear warnings.


Applications for the Aboriginal Scholarship are now closed and will reopen in 2025. 

Eligibility and requirements for next year’s applications:

  • Year 5 students scheduled for enrolment into Year 7 in 2027;
  • completion of the Aboriginal Scholarship Application Form;
  • attachment of a copy of the prospective student’s full birth certificate;
  • attachment of copies of the student’s two most recent academic school reports.

No application fees apply.

The Aboriginal Scholarship Application Form must be returned to the Registrar by the scheduled date. Parents will then be notified of the interview process.


Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the College on (08) 9592 1500 or via email at


Kolbe Catholic College is committed to providing opportunities for gifted music students in an environment that promotes excellence within the Performing Arts Learning Area. 

The College offers multiple scholarships to students who demonstrate an affinity for music and whose enrolment is confirmed for commencement in Year 7.

Kolbe’s Music Scholarships are fully funded by the College, with no money received from outside agencies.


To be eligible for Kolbe Catholic College’s Music Scholarship, applicants must:

  • be a Year 6 student with their enrolment at the College confirmed for Year 7;
  • demonstrate ability on at least one musical instrument or voice;
  • be willing to study a new instrument as offered;
  • be willing to commit to the full three-year term of the scholarship;
  • be aware that the scholarship is subject to annual review;
  • exhibit a strong desire for a Catholic education;
  • be willing to fully participate in the College’s co-curricular activities in accordance with the ethos of Kolbe Catholic College;
  • exhibit a potential for leadership.


New Music Scholarships are offered annually to students entering Year 7. The scholarships cover the full cost of group music tuition fees and are tenable for Years 7, 8 and 9, providing the student’s conduct, overall contribution to the College, and their progress, both in music and other academic areas, are satisfactory. 

The cost of hiring a College instrument, if required, will also be covered during the first year of the scholarship, though offers are based on the current needs of the College Music Program.

In the first year of the scholarship, recipients attend weekly group lessons with a tutor in a group of three. In the second year, as students develop their skills and at the Music Department’s discretion, the weekly lesson scheme will change to one group lesson and one solo lesson in rotation through the group. This allows for students to still benefit from the group lesson community but also to practise the material during a one-on-one private lesson.

Year 7 Music Specialist Program

Kolbe Catholic College runs a year-long music specialist program for Year 7 scholarship students and for those who are passionate about music and are actively receiving tuition on an instrument. The course covers all aspects of the music curriculum, including aural and theory, musicianship skills and ensemble skills. It also enables students to play their instruments three times a week at the College to foster progress.

The specialist program runs outside of normal class timetables and is structured as follows:

  • One lesson runs straight after school (e.g. Tuesday afternoons 3.15pm-4.10pm). At the completion of the school day, students collect their school bags and proceed to the Music block for an after-school lesson with their peers and music teacher. This class works on building aural and theory skills through practical exercises. It’s an extension of general Music classes and helps with understanding theory by ‘doing’.
  • One lesson runs as an ensemble (e.g. before or after school on Thursdays). Sight reading and ensemble skills are developed by playing together as an ensemble. Workshops and mentoring by Senior School Music students are also provided throughout the year. 

Both lessons are compulsory. Days and times for these classes are organised at the beginning of the school year. Each recipient’s performance in this course will be reported on in their academic school reports.

Obligations of Scholarship Recipients

Students must:

  • attend regular 30-minute lessons (no less than 30 per year for each year of the scholarship) with a College music tutor for the instrument initially offered;
  • participate fully in at least two music ensembles for the duration of the scholarship (at the discretion of the Music Coordinator, based on the needs of the Music Department as a whole);
  • maintain high standards of effort, practice and performance;
  • maintain enrolment in the Year 7 Specialist Music Program and achieve at least a “B” grade for the year (see program details above);
  • select general music electives in Years 8 and 9 for a semester per year;
  • participate in major College music events (which may be outside of school hours) as requested by the Music Coordinator and in the capacity requested (e.g. Catholic Performing Arts Festival, Music Night, Music Tutor Concerts, and School Productions and Musicals — Note: scholarships do not guarantee a lead role in College music events);
  • perform solo for the College community at least once per year as requested.

Failure to meet these obligations may result in the withdrawal of the scholarship.


Applications for Music Scholarships will be invited from Year 6 students who have confirmed their enrolment at the College for the following year. 

To apply, the applicant must:

  • complete a Music Scholarship Application Form which will be emailed to all enrolled students;
  • provide the following supporting documentation:
    • most recent academic school report;
    • most recent Music report and a brief reference from their music tutor, class music teacher or another related organisation;
    • competition or school awards, or adjudication feedback relating to music;
    • certificates of academic or cultural achievements;
  • be available to take part in a scholarship audition and interview.

No scholarship application fees apply.


    1. The selection panel meets to select applicants who will be offered an audition.
      • The selection panel consists of the Music Coordinator and representative of the College Executive. An additional music teacher may be present on the panel.
      • The selection panel’s decision is final.
      • Submitting an application does not guarantee an audition.
      • Successful applicants are to be advised of their audition date and time via email approximately two weeks before auditions are scheduled.
    2. Auditions are held at the College in front of the selection panel.
      • Applicants should be prepared to commence their audition up to fifteen minutes before the scheduled time if requested by the panel.
      • Only the applicant and the panel are permitted in the audition room during auditions.
      • Auditions will consist of a short interview and the performance of one to three items that are prepared by the applicant and demonstrate their musical ability.
      • Alternative audition times will not be offered should an applicant fail to present at their allocated time.
    3. All students who audition are advised of the outcome of their audition.
      • All those who audition receive a response in writing or by phone from the College within two weeks of the audition date.
      • At this time successful applicants will be advised of the instrument being offered to them and are asked to:
        • accept the scholarship offer in writing;
        • have their legal guardian(s) sign the acceptance letter as an acknowledgement of the conditions and responsibilities that apply to scholarship recipients’
        • complete paperwork relating to instrumental lessons and instrument hire if required.
      • Unsuccessful scholarship applicants will be offered the opportunity to enrol in the music tuition program at normal cost, even if the due date for applications has passed.


Applications for Music Scholarships are now closed and will reopen in 2025.


Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the College on (08) 9592 1500 or via email at

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