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Campus Ministry

At Kolbe, we provide many opportunities for students to explore their faith, serve others and seek spiritual guidance. Our Campus Ministry Team is visible throughout the College and in the everyday lives of our students and staff. Their work is underpinned by our College vision ‘to grow lifelong learners inspired by Jesus to help transform the world’.

From the beginning of their journey at Kolbe until they depart at the end of Year 12, students have many opportunities to encounter Jesus. These include:

  • Celebrating Mass;
  • Religious Education lessons;
  • Year Level Retreats;
  • Service learning opportunities;
  • Liturgies and other school events.


“If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.” St Maximilian Kolbe

As we are a Catholic school, it is important that we mark meaningful occasions by celebrating Mass, which is the “source and summit of Christian life”. We mark the beginning of each school year with an Opening Mass, and later in the year, on Kolbe Day, all staff and students gather together to pay tribute to our patron saint. Kolbe Day is the highlight of the school calendar year; it is a day where we not only remember St Maximilian Kolbe, and his life and sacrifices, but also celebrate the rich heritage of our College.

Students also celebrate Mass at various times throughout the year in our beautiful College Chapel. We are fortunate to have strong connections with several local parishes, and those parish priests lead our community in our celebrations. These celebrations include:

  • Houses Masses — these occur once a year for each House to commemorate their patron saint’s feast day;
  • Year level Masses — these also occur once a year and are an opportunity for peers to celebrate together;
  • Pastoral Care group Masses — these occur twice a term and are a great way for students to celebrate in a more intimate setting with their smaller PC ‘family’.

“When you kneel before an altar, do it in such a way that others may be able to recognise that you know before whom you kneel.” St Maximilian Kolbe


All students enrolled at Kolbe Catholic College study Religious Education, in which relevant knowledge-based courses are delivered. Students in Years 7-10 will study and reflect on topics such as creation, emotions, vocation, justice and freedom, which are all explored through a Catholic lense.

In Years 11 and 12, students will study the Religion & Life course, which is offered for both ATAR and General pathway. This course educates students on the core beliefs and teachings of the Catholic faith and gives awareness of historical and contemporary issues and how the Catholic Church interacts with them.


“Jesus said to them, ‘Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.” Mark 6:31

All students at Kolbe have the opportunity to attend retreats. These are age-appropriate faith formation and relationship-building events that our students eagerly anticipate.

In Years 8 and 9, students attend a full-day retreat at the College. On these days, students get to step away from classrooms and the daily rigour of lessons and assessments, and are encouraged to reflect on their lives and their value as human beings created by God.

Year 10 students attend a two-day retreat during which they explore their individual gifts and talents, and look at ways they can use these to benefit others in the community. God created all human beings with dignity; therefore, everyone has something special to offer the world. After reflecting on their experience, students then have the opportunity to visit one of our feeder Catholic primary schools and, as a group, teach a Religious Education lesson to the younger students. They will also participate in a community service activity and experience first-hand the difference they can make with their God-given gifts and talents.

Year 11 and 12 students go on a three-day off-campus retreat. These events are an opportunity for our senior students to take a break from the stresses of everyday life, and instead focus on their relationships with others and God. These retreats encourage a deep reflection of self, family, future and God.


“Don’t ever forget to love.” St Maximilian Kolbe

An important aspect of the Catholic faith is service. All students at Kolbe participate in various service learning opportunities during their time at the College. These opportunities seek to provide fun and meaningful experiences that benefit the student and the wider community.

Students take part in service activities, such as:

  • World’s Greatest Shave
  • LifeLink SleepOut
  • Clean Up Australia Day
  • HBF Run For a Reason
  • Liliah Haven Women’s Refuge Cleanup
  • S.O.U.L. Soup Kitchen

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