
Pathways at Kolbe

Michael McCann (Head of Pathways)

An update on some of the Pathway news at Kolbe throughout Term 1 and some key events to mark in your calendar for Term 2.

The Year 10 Building and Construction Skill Set is well underway. The students have been attending South Metro TAFE every Tuesday and are learning some of the skills of Plastering, Tiling, and Bricklaying. The feedback so far from TAFE is that our students have been really engaging in the course and developing some wonderful life skills. Although we will be increasing our opportunities for the Year 9 Career Tasters later in Term 3 and 4, we have managed to send a number of students to SMTAFE already to gain a taste of the Childcare industry. The students recently were able to get some hands-on experiences creating slime for kids, making play dough, and even using the virtual babies!

The students that are completing the Yr 11 Certificate II in Disability pilot program in partnership with ACTIV are halfway through their Certificate and have already had the opportunity to do some work placement in ACTIV industries. The students have been learning about working with diverse people and how to facilitate the empowerment of people with disabilities.

Some other key events happening in Pathways for Term 2:

  • WA Careers Expo 18th-21st May: This is the biggest collection of career information available in Western Australia each year. Universities, colleges, employers, and employment service providers all turn up to provide you with information for your future career. We encourage parents to attend with their child on the weekend. See the link above for more details.
  • University Early Offers 2023: There has been a lot of buzz around University Early Offers in recent years. From May 1st onwards, current Year 12 students will be able to apply to Universities based on their Year 11 Semester 2 report. The Pathways Team will be hosting after school application sessions for students (more details at the start of Term 2). Every University is just a little bit different in the way they run their application process, so we are here to help.
  • Year 11 Subject Selections process for 2024: For the current Year 10 Students who will be Year 11 in 2024, the subject selection process can be confusing. The College provides plenty of opportunities for Parents and Students to ask questions and be informed about the various Pathways on offer at Kolbe. Key points to remember:
  1. Students should aim to achieve the best Semester 1 report possible. What this affords you is gaining more subject recommendations. This allows you to choose from a wider range of subjects in Year 11. A strong report is also great for those students who are looking to apply to TAFE for VETDSS (TAFE while still at school).
  2. Engage in the Future Pathways Day on Friday, June 9th. This interactive day is to inform students about Career Pathways.
  3. Parents and students attend the information night on the 22nd May.
  4. Visit Kolbe Course Central to familiarise yourself with the Kolbe Pathways.
  5. Do your research! You are the driver of your career path!

Finally, we have a number of students looking for Workplace Learning opportunities in a range of industries and careers. If you are interested in hosting a student at your workplace for a two-week block at the end of May, please reach out to the Pathways team.

For more information please visit Kolbe’s Pathways page.

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