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Year 9 Retreat

Brendan Bomford (Director of Campus Ministry)

In 2023, the Year 9 Retreat complimented the TKW week by adding a layer of faith to a week of discovery, camaraderie and growth. The theme of genuine relationships resonated with the students as they unpacked the key relationships in their lives and reflected on what makes these relationships genuine.

“The retreat day and the whole week of Kolbe way really helped me connect with the girls in my class and help me see different perspectives of Christ and friendships.” -Hannah

The Youth Mission Team lead the day with their wonderful group who were able to connect with the Year 9s meaningfully, with Year 9 student Harry saying that ‘hanging out with the youth ministers’ was the favourite part of his retreat. The skits and dramatisations in particular proved a hit with the student body according to Year 9 student, Filipa.

The Team shared personal stories of their own trials and tribulations in relationships before turning everyone’s attention to our relationship with God. The day concluded with a prayer service and dramatisation that prompted a realisation that Jesus always calls us to relationship with him, it is in fact us, who needs to let Him in.

“The retreat was such a fun and engaging way for me to strengthen not only my religion but also the relationships with my peers. On top of having so much fun, I also took away many things that I can apply to my life to help me become a better person and nurture healthy relationships.” – Reese

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