
House Wellbeing Sessions

Jenefer Wiltschut (Head of Wellbeing)

At Kolbe our Kinship Vision is to be able to build a sense of belonging by developing positive identity, creating meaningful connections, and promoting and supporting wellbeing. One of the steps we have taken in 2023 to help achieve this is to develop a pastoral program that allows our students to gather regularly as a House and focus on a specific theme for their time together.

Throughout the course of the year, each of our six Houses are able to spend time during extended PC either celebrating their House Day with mass and activities, competing in sport challenges, walking together on a House Pilgrimage, testing their skills in a House quiz or STEM challenge, or spending time refocusing and supporting their wellbeing. Last week saw Mackillop House students participate in dedicated sessions that are based on the cornerstones of wellbeing – giving back to the community; keep learning; connecting with others; taking notice of emotions and practising gratitude; and being active.

We are thankful that so many of our staff have a unique range of skills to offer our students and were able to share their passions with them. Thank you to the Mackillop House staff that taught our students how to origami, play chess, and create friendship bracelets! We also had students lovingly make Mother’s Day cards under the care of our wonderful WLC staff Mrs Anette Cronin and Ms Alana Caldwell, as well join in Just Dance fun with our fantastic Mackillop House Captains. These sessions are designed to allow our students to discover a new way to relax, practice mindfulness, and build strategies that can help them cope with the busyness of school life, and it certainly looked like they all enjoyed their time together.

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