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In Kolbe’s Footsteps We Follow

Jenefer Wiltschut (Head of Wellbeing)

Wellbeing can be defined as the combination of feeling good, functioning well and doing good for others; and within a Catholic pastoral community, connecting to God. We often use the word ‘flourishing’ when thinking about wellbeing, and it is Catholic Education’s vision that each and every person lives life fully, experiencing the abundance of God’s love and participating in all parts of human society.

“While all educators are focused on the wellbeing of their students, those in Catholic schools have a particular orientation to wellbeing. Illuminated by faith and the words of Jesus who said, ‘I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10). Catholic educators nurture young people’s spiritual and religious dimensions to enable them to truly understand what it means to be alive and well as a human person.”

Everything we do at Kolbe has Christ at the centre. Our Vision and Mission is built on a foundation of Catholic values and teachings, and it breathes life into our community. In everything we do and believe, from our model of pastoral care, our PC Masses and liturgies, to our celebration of our patron Saints, the Catholic tradition is fostered and sustained in an environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive. This experience of belonging and connectedness is essential for wellbeing to thrive, as it is in relationship with God and others in the school community that young people are enabled to discover who they are, where they come from and what their destiny can be. 

This week, as we celebrate Kolbe Day, we have immersed ourselves in the teachings and life of St Maximilian Kolbe as a way to remind ourselves of our faith in God’s love, and the power of our actions to transform the world. These experiences, and others just like it, are essential to the journey of a Kolbe student, and we are very proud of the work we do in bringing this to life for our community.


St Maximilian Kolbe

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