
Message from our Principal

Neil Alweyn (Principal)

Welcome to our first eNews for 2023! What a wonderful start to the year – the weather has been beautiful, our students have presented to the College in immaculate fashion, and our staff have excitedly started diving into the wonderful teaching and learning programs that occur at Kolbe. For the first time in my tenure as Principal, we have not had to deal with that dreaded 5-letter C word at the start of the year! I can’t tell you how refreshing it has been to have a ‘normal’ commencement to our school year.

Those who have been part of our community for the last few years know I do not like to use eNews to write about transactional items. However, I think it is appropriate that my first eNews piece for the year brings your attention to a few items that will help set up our community for a productive and prosperous 2023.

In the coming weeks, we will have two very exciting additions to our College. Firstly, our College website is having a complete overhaul, and after some final pieces of advice from our P&F this week, the remaining tweaks are occurring with our designer. We are hoping to launch our new website in the very near future! Secondly, 2023 will see the launch of our College’s new Strategic Plan. The plan, which utilised some wonderful feedback from our students, families and staff over the course of last year, will guide the future strategic direction of the College over our next few years. I look forward to sharing this document with you in the coming weeks, and I am very excited to see the impact it will have on our community.

Tom Vanderbilt once said ‘the way humans hunt for parking and the way animals hunt for food are not as different as you think’!  The start of a school year always brings a higher level of vehicle traffic in the mornings and afternoons, as new families ensure their child makes a safe transition to school. Can I please ask that our families exercise patience when dropping off and picking up your child. The ‘kiss and drop’ zone is this designated area, and parents should drive down as far as possible before stopping their vehicle. This ensures our students and staff are safe – sadly I have already witnessed one near miss this year, as an impatient parent sped past the inside of the queue. Can I please also ask that families be respectful to the surrounding residents of our College. Please do not cover driveways and footpaths, and be aware that rangers can frequent the area.

Finally, can I once again thank you all for trusting us to care for your children. There is no greater show of faith than a parent handing over the care of their child to another. Please be assured that the staff of Kolbe Catholic College do not take this privilege lightly. Working in a school is not a profession; it is a vocation. The ability to build meaning and authentic relationships with our students is what gets us out of bed in the morning! Can I leave you with a TED Talk from Rita Peirson who sums up just how we feel about teaching at Kolbe – if you have a spare 7 minutes I highly recommend watching this, so you understand why we feel called to inspire your children. 

Best wishes and God bless,

Neil Alweyn


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