Embarking on adventures that delve into the heart of the ocean is an exhilarating and fun experience for our students. Recently, our Sports Department organised two great excursions— a Year 9 Marine Studies surfing excursion and a Year 10 snorkelling expedition. These journeys weren’t just about fun in the sun; they were immersive educational experiences that allowed our young people to connect with the marine world in unique ways.
The Year 10 snorkelling excursions took students to the picturesque Coogee Marine Trail in North Coogee Beach. These excursions, held back-to-back in Week 5, marked the completion of the practical units for our four classes in the year-long Outdoor Education course. It was a culmination of theoretical learning and pool sessions, as students applied their acquired skills and knowledge in a real-world setting.
Navigating the Coogee Marine Trail offered not only a chance to explore the historic Omeo Shipwreck but also an opportunity to comprehend the complexities of risk assessment and personal challenge. As one student noted, “It was quite cold in the water, but overall it was a fun day with friends, and the location was very nice.”
They also emphasised the importance of adapting to changing conditions, highlighting that windy weather could churn up sand, impacting underwater visibility. However, the thrill of witnessing the ship covered in seaweed and reaching the dive flag left a lasting impression.
Reflecting on their experiences, students showcased their newfound confidence and endurance in open water. “I was pleased I got to see the underwater ship covered in seaweed, and my partner and I made it all the way out to the dive flag! I hope to go back again this summer,” expressed one Year 10 Outdoor Education student.
Meanwhile, the Year 9 Marine Studies Surfing Excursion at Secret Harbour Beach was also a surf-tastic success! From mastering the art of riding waves to understanding the dynamics of sea banks altering wave shapes and learning about the dangers of rips and currents, students were immersed in a world of aquatic education and excitement.
Fionn, a Year 9 student, shared, “I thought that the half-day surfing excursion was an amazing experience as it suited all levels. Surf Teacher Doug was great with helping us out, and everyone learned something new from it.”
These sentiments echoed among the group, as Holly emphasised the rewarding aspect of stepping out of her comfort zone and acquiring new surfing skills. Sophie recalled the thrill of riding waves and embracing the occasional splashes that made the day incredibly enjoyable.
Both excursions not only enriched students’ knowledge of the marine environment but also fostered camaraderie, courage, and a sense of achievement. It’s through such immersive experiences that our students not only learn but also create lasting memories, forging a deeper connection with the world around them. As they venture into the depths of the ocean, they discover not just the wonders of the sea but also the depths of their own capabilities.