
Outdoor Ed Camp

David Walker (Head of Health & Physical Education)

A big round of applause to all our Year 10 students who hiked, biked, and paddled their way through last week’s epic expedition. You showed remarkable independence, leadership, and resourcefulness, making the journey an outstanding success!

We’d also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the parents and teachers who contributed to making this adventure possible. Your support was invaluable in ensuring our students had an unforgettable experience.

The expedition was a whirlwind tour of Wellington National Park, the world-renowned Bibbulmun Track, and the beautiful surroundings of Collie. From traversing rivers and dams to exploring bushland and trails, our students experienced the best of nature’s offerings.

There will undoubtedly be plenty of positive stories shared in the days to come – from the impressive distances covered on foot to overcoming the wet and windy weather, and of course, the thrill of the gnarly downhill mountain biking. But more than anything, this experience was about personal growth and team bonding.

One Year 10 hiker shared, “My highlight was being with my friends and doing it together. Even when it was tough, we all pulled through somehow. It was hard at the time, but I’m proud that I did it. When we got to our campsite, we had a lot of fun just talking, cooking, and roasting marshmallows.”

As spring approaches, we hope to continue getting out into nature and staying active for the remainder of the course.

Once again, congratulations to our Year 10s on this incredible achievement!

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