
Cathedrals of Perth

Sherie Chant (Head of Learning Area ‑ Religious Education)

Year 11 ATAR Religion and Life students had a fantastic opportunity last week when they visited a number of Christian Churches to learn about the similarities and differences between different Christian denominations. The day began at St George’s Anglican Cathedral where Fr Noah took students on a tour of the beautiful Gothic Cathedral. There was an audible gasp at the beautiful architecture as we entered the sacred space. Our students were amazed to learn that looking at the nave upside down resembled the hull of a ship adopted as a symbol of the Church. We all enjoyed listening to Fr Noah discussing the importance of ecumenism and the aim of the Anglican Church to provide a welcoming place for all people.

Next we participated in St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral Tour and learnt about the rich history of the Catholic Church in Western Australia and the immense task of building and renovating the Cathedral. The Tour aptly begins at a water fountain positioned at the entrance to the Cathedral symbolic of many things but notably the faith, love and care that spills forth from the Church to the people of Perth. 

Students then enjoyed a lunch break in Northbridge before moving on to their last destination at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St Constantine and St Helen. Fr Terry walked us through the time of Jesus, the development of one holy and apostolic church and the events leading up to the Great Schism. Our students were very interested in seeing the Golden font used for the Baptism of infants and learning about the veneration of icons. Everyone really enjoyed listening to the different Christian perspectives, wisdom and passion that the presenters delivered. Students had much to compare and contrast on their arrival back to the College.

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