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Languages Week

Maria Bellini (Head of Languages)

During Week 3 at Kolbe we celebrated Languages Week. This was an opportunity to see multiculturalism in action and to recognise the cultural diversity at the college. Languages students participated in a variety of activities, such as a pizza design competition, a Japanese/Italian landmark Minecraft challenge and of course National Cannoli Day!  There were displays and competitions in the WLC that demonstrated the many languages and cultures represented here at Kolbe – we are blessed to have students and staff of over 50 nationalities!

Throughout the week there were also competitions that students could take part in to show off their translation skills. The Pastoral Care groups participated in a quiz to test their knowledge of world languages – well done to the winning PC, Pamplona from Loyola house. In addition, hospitality and Japanese students were involved in a Japanese Tea ceremony demonstration by ‘NPO Cha Know You’.  We were very fortunate to have Mr Ian Thomason from Seibukan Dojo Perth demonstrating Iaido – Japanese sword fighting.  Year 9 student, Jack, said “Languages Week was very interesting. It was fun to learn about Iaido and Hyogo Prefecture, our sister city in Japan”

On behalf of the Languages Learning Area, we thank the College community for the positive and inclusive way in which they embraced Languages Week.

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