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Japanese Cultural Exchange

Kyohhei Futaki (Languages Teacher)

The College was fortunate to recommence the Japanese Cultural Exchange with Keio Futsubu School between 21 and 30 July. This was very exciting for the College community as it was the first exchange since COVID.

20 students and 3 teachers arrived from Tokyo on 21 July. The students spent a sunny weekend with their host families, going to Kings Park, eating Australian tucker or walking on the beach with the family dog. The students then spent 5 days at the College to experience Australian schooling. Some staff organised a special lesson for the students (cooking, Italian, Japanese, science, visual arts) or invited them to their regular classes (dance, drama, music, HPE). The Kolbe students have been lucky to meet new friends from overseas and it has been great to see many students build new friendships. Our guests all landed back in Japan with a lot of great memories, thanks to every single one of you who made their time here special. On behalf of the College, I would like to send a big thank you to our Community, especially the 20 families who generously hosted a Japanese student at their home.

In January 2024, our students and staff are excited to meet our friends again when we travel to Tokyo!


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