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Message from our Principal

Neil Alweyn (Principal)

After a year of consultation, research, design and review, today I am proud to write to you about the launch of our new College Website. Under the guidance of our Director of Marketing and Communications, Miriam Rystedt, we have worked hard to produce a modern website that will focus on highlighting the vision, mission and heart of our College to both existing and prospective families. Gerry McGovern said ‘ “Designing a website can be a bit like being a kid and inheriting a sweetshop. It’s easy to get carried away. There are so many choices”. With this in mind, we have worked hard to focus on functionality and user-friendliness, while still attempting to capture the key elements of our College.

We believe our new website will help us to create a more connected and engaged community that is better equipped to support our spiritual, pastoral and academic growth. As Pope Francis once said, ‘The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. This is something truly good, a gift from God’. We hope that the information contained in our website will help students and families find opportunities to foster a sense of belonging at Kolbe, and provide an avenue for engagement with the many human, online and physical resources our community has at its disposal. I encourage you to watch this short video which officially launches our new site and provides a guide for navigating through its contents.

Our new website serves as the digital face of our College, and it is a foundation that we are very proud of. We trust you find it informative and useful in supporting your partnership with our College. Take care, grab a coffee and spend some time browsing our latest creation!


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