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Wellbeing Week

Jenefer Wiltschut – Head of Wellbeing

Wellbeing is not just the absence of illness, it encompasses physical, mental, and emotional health; and during Week 9, Kolbe celebrated our first Wellbeing Week to promote and encourage positive wellbeing amongst our community.

The Wellbeing Team put together a number of activities for students including PC packs with a mindfulness competition, as well as classroom cards that can be used to open up conversation in times of struggle. Our student leaders stepped up to get our community involved, with lunchtime activities such as friendship bracelet making, painting a wellbeing tree with thumbprints of our students and staff, and running a sausage sizzle on the Friday. A PC raffle is also currently being held to raise money for a colour run in Term 4, with the aim of increasing awareness of mental health challenges in young people.

Kolbe also recognises the importance of our partnership with our families in the promotion of positive wellbeing, and we were fortunate to have Helping Minds visit the College during the week to present a Mental Health Basics workshop for our parents and guardians. This workshop was designed to provide key information on recognising the signs of mental health struggles as well as how to access support. We are grateful to the families who attended in support of this initiative.

One of the highlights of Wellbeing Week was the celebration of R U OK? Day. R U OK? Day, observed annually on the second Thursday in September, is a day dedicated to promoting conversations around mental health and suicide prevention. The simple yet profound question, “Are you okay?” serves as a catalyst for meaningful discussions and provides a safe space for individuals to open up about their feelings. There was a terrific atmosphere around the College, with many students wearing yellow in support of the cause, as well as a wonderful visit from local face painter Rosie O to brighten the student’s day. We were also very lucky to have an encounter with Kiera the Koala and Rambo the Carpet Python from WestOz Wildlife, and the students were well fed with a very generous donation of free fruit from the team at Coles Rockingham.

Overall the week was a huge success, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of mental health and the need to create a supportive and inclusive community. By promoting open dialogues, educating students, and fostering a culture of empathy, Kolbe is committed to not only nurturing the minds of our students but also their hearts and souls, ensuring they are well equipped to face the challenges of life with resilience and strength.

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